Ristorando: "SignorBIO - the new trays for mass catering"

Signor BIO ristorando marzo2023 copertina

In the March 2023 issue, Ristorando* discusses SignorBIO's 18x18 bowls in the Equipment section, which is dedicated to new product innovations.

Click on the link https://issuu.com/edifis/docs/... and go to page 75 to read the full article (Italian only).

*Ristorando is the magazine of reference for the operators of organized catering in its different articulations, collective (corporate, school, social-health) and modern commercial (highway, airport, rail, air, concession, chain, hotel).

Signor BIO ristorando articolo marzo2023
*Ristorando is the magazine of reference for operators of organized catering in its different articulations, collective (corporate, school, social-health) and modern commercial (highway, airport, rail, air, concession, chain, hotel).
SignorBIO - Green world